Thursday, August 28, 2014

Welcome and Intro!

Welcome to my blog!

As an avid reader of literature I wanted to create a blog where I could share my love of it. Here you can see what I have read so far and my opinion of different books and authors. I'm always looking for suggestions for what to read so if you have any books you would like to see here let me know!

Rating system:
Since I am also a martial artist the books here will be rated with ninja stars rather than just regular stars (hehe). Rating is done from 1 - 5, one being the worst and five being the best. If I find a book exceptional look for a loud KYEAH! in the title description.

The writings and ratings of this blog are my opinions. I am not being paid by publishers, authors or agents to post them here. I have no intention to slander or hurt anyone's feelings with my words. With that being said I welcome you one and all!

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